Responsive websites go a longer way in building your brand name right in the market. It is a development technique that displays content according to the screen you’re accessing the website on. Because of the increasing usage of smartphones and the growing viewership and engagement on it, responsive web designs are essential for every brand.
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Especially built for the viewers to have an optimised experience of the websites, this technique was developed because of the rapid shift of the viewers in their browsing methods, from desktop to smartphones. And because of these preferences, here are the seven benefits that one can avail because of responsive web design:
Increase Your Reach and Traffic:
Image Credits: Bitcatcha
Previously, the viewers were redirected to a different link if they’re accessing a website over their mobile phones, but nowadays everything is just implemented at one place. According to reports, the number of smartphone users in India would reach 490.9 million by 2022. In times like these, the best way to achieve maximum visibility is through responsive websites.
2. Maximized Conversion and Sales Rate:
Image Credits: Knowing Design
When the users would have an improved and versatile experience, whether they are viewing the website from desktops or mobiles it would ultimately lead to a positive impression on them, removing all barriers between your products/services and your audience. With a good performance, functionality and an improvised look and feel the audiences are sure to make better leads and further converted into customers.
3. Low Maintenance:
Image Credits: DreamHost
A separate website needs its own maintenance, content strategies, design layouts, administrative strategies and many more. The best way to do it is to have a responsive web design that fits perfectly with everything, with lesser headaches of both the designers, customers and the audience. And, with less maintenance you can actually focus on quality and your products for an enhanced consumer experience.
4. Speedy Loading of Webpages:
Image Credits: magenticians
The golden rule of 3 seconds that states that if a web-page takes more than 3 seconds to load, the viewers on smartphones lose interest and abandon the websites. With a responsive website, you can also get performance techniques such as caching and responsive image display that makes your websites both faster and more intriguing!
5. Lowest Bounce Rates:
Image Credits: addthis
Because of a responsive web design, there are higher chances that your viewers shall stick to your website for longer period of time than usual and therefore reducing the percentage of bouncing rates, that otherwise wouldn’t have been difficult to achieve because of the lagging web-pages.
6. Easy Analytics Documentation:
Image Credits: MonsterInsights
Knowing the source of your website’s traffic and the engagement ratio is crucial to the development of your website and can be a hassle if you have several different websites for different devices. Tools like Google Analytics and other similar tools help you to get better results by condensing tracking and analytics into a single report providing valuable insights.
7. Improved SEO:
Image Credits: get1position
Because of stronger backlinks and lesser bounce rates, the website shall have higher search rankings. But there’s also an added benefit to having a responsive website, since it avoids the issue of duplicate content and thus reduce the chances of negative ranking.
Overall, a responsive website rewards you in an all-round way from giving you better search results as well as giving your customers a better and unique experience.